501c3 Nonprofit P.O. BOX 43 Cut Bank, MT 59427 cutbanktrails@gmail.com
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
-John Muir
Support Campaign
Cut Bank Trails is anxious to see the next section of the trail move forward! Construction for the trail from Anna Jeffries School to the Sports Complex and Glacier County Museum is set to begin the Summer of 2022. Before construction can begin, we need to raise the 13.4% matching requirement for the Montana State Transportation Alternative Grant, received in 2017, to build the section of the trail. Therefore, we are launching a Support Campaign and need your help! We are asking all our friends and supporters to help us reach our goal. Click “Learn More” to learn more about the opportunities you have to join us in our mission, or click “Donate Now” to help reach our goal.
Working together for a healthier future.
Get Involved
The Cut Bank Trails 501c3 nonprofit organization is governed by a nine member Board of Directors, and several volunteer subcommittee leaders. Our organization welcomes any community members interested in helping with development and fundraising. To get involved contact us at cutbanktrails@gmail.com or find us on Facebook at Cut Bank Trails, Inc.
Meet Cut Bank
Cut Bank Montana is located along U.S. Hwy 2 approximately 50 miles from Glacier National Park. With a population of 3,000 people, Cut Bank is the Glacier County seat and is located at the eastern border of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Cut Bank was named after the gorge west of the city created by Cut Bank Creek.
Trail Heads
There are currently three completed phases of the Cut Bank Trail System. The most active phase is the Coulee Trail located south of Cut Bank along the Cut Bank Creek Coulee. There are two trail heads for this two mile rural non-paved trail.
-East Trail Head @ 7th Ave S & Dean Dr
-West Trail Head @ Mountain View Blvd & Lookout Rd